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Successful Smoking Cessation

Smoking Cessation is certainly one from the buzz phrases around these days, especially at the end belonging to the year, looking back at what we have and haven't achieved and also the successes we wish to realise for ourselves in the coming months. Stopping and Quitting smoking is very important to many many individuals. Getting rid of that nasty habit for when and for all can be of great distress to all smokers.

But it doesn't have to be stressful. There are many Smoking Cessation techniques available at the moment and now available in Dublin, Drogheda and Dundalk is the Rob Kelly Method, one belonging to the most unique tried and tested sessions available in Ireland now. This method uses the latest cutting edge hypnosis techniques to make the course of action of becoming a non-smoker easy and strain free with all the feared withdrawal symptoms so frequently advertised and marketed towards us.

Most smokers' feel giving up smoking is mostly a momentous task and in their minds eye it does get completely blown from proportion. These fears and concerns are all based on your previous experiences and are duly appreciated. But what if you had new information, a new insight into smoking and more importantly a new insight into yourself and your mind and your thoughts and desires?

Successful Smoking Cessation and becoming a non-smoker for the rest of your existence can be the most liberating existence changing experience of your existence and it can be you if you decide you wish to stop.

smoking ban in finland

Could the planet have something to learn or follow? Finland a European country of just above 5 million families is doing the unthinkable amongst smokers - total smoking ban country wide. The UN's Planet Health Organisation (WHO) does not mince its words when it comes to tobacco use. WHO has stated categorically that tobacco usage is irreconcilably against public health. Therefore there is no way tobacco should ever be tolerated from a public health perspective.

The dangers of smoking are well known. Partial smoking bans are not new and they have mostly been spurred by the nicely known effects of second hand smoking for the general public. Apart from health concerns smoking tobacco has been heavily criticised for the unbearable levels of what has become to be known as the cost of smoking. The cost of smoking is usually presented in monetary terms which will be cost to society as a result of tobacco smoking. One on the greatest cost could be the ballooning public health care bill which results in more taxpayer resources going towards health care.

Secondly, labour experts continue to loose sleep over the cost of tobacco related absenteeism at workplaces. Research has long concluded that smokers have a higher absenteeism rate than non-smokers. In total the hours lost to smoking related illnesses or inconveniences resulting in missed work attendances run into millions on men hours worth billions of dollars annually.

The cost of smoking further affects the environment as smokers cast used cigarette butts to the ground and trees are cut to make paper to wrap cigarettes. In the developing planet where most of the tobacco crop is now getting grown due to stringent rules in the west, more land is being cleared to cash in on the lucrative tobacco crop at the behest of big tobacco. This is usually a great cost to bear in poor communities who exchange their food crop farming land for tobacco.

Finland appears to be nicely aware of these off spin effects of tobacco. The depth of the tobacco plague is so deep and deadly than many folks will ever know or care to find out. The chain is extended the price to be paid very high. Finland plans to get rid of tobacco "once and for all" according to its policy makers and top government officials. Much of Europe has bans on tobacco usage but nothing comes near what Finland is mooting. It is unprecedented and bound to reap a windfall of benefits to the general public when implemented. In the rest of Europe partial bans exist prohibiting smoking in bars, restaurants, hotels and other indoor places.

The following is what the Finish government is getting ready to do;

* ban tobacco product display
* ban smoking in cars carrying smoking minors
* ban vending machines

Since 1976 Finland has been active in the smoking ban arena mostly jolted to action by the raising cardiovascular diseases related to smoking. This prompted cigarette bans and was followed by indoor smoking bans in public areas and workplaces about 1995 then followed by restaurants in 2007. As expected big tobacco never take these moves laying down. Philip Morris one amongst top three USA tobacco companies issued a complaint claiming that smoking was an individuals responsibility.

It is however disappointing that Finland actually held negotiations with the tobacco industry over this matter to take into consideration their concerns despite the fact that WHO has declared war on big tobacco because of its deceitful and dishonesty in working with governments and policy makers. In fact WHO advocates for governments to refuse the involvement from the tobacco industry in any work to do with tobacco policing and control.

The step Finland has taken altogether is plausible and is one step in the right direction towards totally eradicating tobacco usage off the face of the planet in the coming few decades.

way to quit smoking easily

Do you believe there is an easy solution to quit smoking that really functions?

Have you tried to quit smoking many times, but at all times eventually given in to your cravings and ended up lighting up another cigarette? Me too, I have been there many times. But I've now been stopped for 6 years.... and you can do it too....

Think about this one question - do you believe that you really want to stop smoking....?

It might come as a shock to discover that you probably don't really want to quit smoking. Intellectually you know that you should stop smoking for motives of your health and many other reasons. The PROBLEM is that your subconscious mind wants to smoke. Your subconscious mind associates nice things with smoking - feelings of pleasure, comfort, relaxation and other pleasurable experiences.

Think of your mind as being like an iceberg. You can see the part on the iceberg above the water, probably about 20% on the iceberg is visible. But about 80% belonging to the iceberg is below the water and invisible to the naked eye. Your brain is similar, the conscious part of your brain is like the visible part from the iceberg - that's the logical intellectual part of your brain and that conscious part of your brain knows you should stop smoking. But just like the iceberg, deep beneath the surface will be subconscious part of your brain and in your subconscious brain is your values, your beliefs and your habits.

Your subconscious brain controls and drives you - your self esteem for instance comes from the subconscious part of your brain. Your subconscious brain controls your habits, and your subconscious brain controls whether you smoke.

The key to the easy method to quit smoking is to persuade your subconscious mind that you don't want to smoke. When you change the associations your subconscious mind has with smoking - instead of associating pleasure, your subconscious mind starts to associate smoking as being bad in your case, things that are un-pleasurable - that could be the secret to the easy way to quit smoking.

If the easy solution to quit smoking is to convince your subconscious mind that smoking is mostly a horrible experience that is bad for you, how do you do that?

There are some very easy, safe, effective, and fast options to stop smoking which have been developed by hypnotherapists and psychotherapists which are now used everyday to stop men and women smoking. They do this by permanently convincing your subconscious mind that smoking is bad for you and disassociating any feelings of pleasure with smoking.

This is the easy solution to quit smoking, however possibly you are a little apprehensive about the thought of using this kind of method? A lot of citizens feel that way at first, I personally know a number of people today who felt apprehensive when this method was first suggested. But when they explored the idea further, they found that it was much more easy and straightforward than they ever imagined.

The easy way to quit smoking is to change the way your subconscious mind thinks about smoking. To help you understand enhanced how it functions, you can watch an actual recording of a stop smoking session using hypnosis by clicking for the link below and watching the video (towards the bottom belonging to the page which opens).

True about The adolescent smoker

Smoking is mostly a major health problem that psychologists are concerned about in recent times. This is because most families know that smoking is bad for their health and that the more they smoke, the more at risk they are. Cigarette smoking especially, is popular among students in high school and is a in factor among college students. It is also fashionable among students of tertiary institutions.

The adolescent smoker is this exposed to health hazards as well as thwarted self concept associated with smoking as a sign of deprivation. Second hand smoking, also poses many health problems experienced by smokers, and some more severe consequences. It becomes important therefore, to ask why adolescents begin to smoke and then maintain the habit. The following factors may have contributed to this behaviour:

(1) Response to peer pressure.
(2) The addictive effects of nicotine, the major compound found in tobacco. Once the adolescent begins to smoke, he often feels the biological need to continue habit.
(3) Some innocent students became smokers with the false belief that smoking enhances academic performance.
(4) Some adolescents are usually curious and so they verify their fallacies by experimenting.
(5) Most musical artistes are smokers and so those youths who see them as role models do what they do.
(6) Most adolescent boys and girls consider smoking as sexy and hip-that it may be a way of demonstrating masculinity.
(7) Some smoke so they can rebel against the control of their parents
(8) Others smoke just to woo girls
(9) Some smoke or sniff drugs like marijuana just to kill their conscience so they can participate in criminal activities.

Considering the cases above, it becomes very important for parents, school teachers and counselors to tackle each of these points. One method to reduce the number of smokers and to help eliminate the habit is to prevent people from taking the first puff especially because of the addictive effects of nicotine.

reasons why people fail to quit smoking

If you are considering quitting smoking you are not alone. Each year millions of individuals try to quit but only about 8 percent actually succeed. There are many distinctive reasons why men and women fail. For starters, nicotine is really a powerful, addictive drug that smokers grow to be physically addicted to. When you quit smoking the body tends to crave nicotine and go through what's known as "nicotine withdrawal." This can bring on feelings of anxiety, restlessness, depression, and irritability. Other common withdrawal symptoms include; headache, difficulty thinking, being sick to your stomach, and problems sleeping. Generally, these symptoms are short lived and don't all happen at once. When quitting smoking the withdrawals can go in phases. Because nicotine withdrawals don't feel good folks tend to give up in order to relieve the symptoms.

Smoking is known as a habit and one that typically has been practiced for many years several times a day. It can be difficult breaking habits that are so ingrained into your everyday living. Smokers have a habit of smoking in the morning, right after meals, with a cup of coffee, on work breaks, etc. Throughout the day when these things occur they trigger the urge to smoke, increasing the difficulty in quitting.

Not only are smokers physically and habitually addicted to smoking but they are also psychologically addicted. Over many years, people today smoke to help control their moods. Men and women smoke to control boredom, anger, depression, anxiety, stress, and many others. The biggest reason why people fail to quit smoking is because of stress. Even though there are many wholesome methods to dealing with strain they simply don't know the way to deal with it without smoking.

Quitting smoking can be hard but it is far from impossible. Over 1 million citizens quit each year and there are distinct methods to help you quit. Many are not successful on their first try but with persistence and determination a person can quit smoking and improve the quality of their lives.

Quit Smoking With effective and correctly applied hypnotherapy

The single most important step you need to take in order to stop smoking is to REALLY want to stop. This is the main motivational force. Through it you have all the power you need to accomplish your goal.

Read up on all the dangers of smoking. Look at pictures of cancerous mouth and lung conditions. Find out what the harmful chemicals in cigarettes can do to your body. Keeping these images in mind can greatly assist you in overcoming any cravings you may have.

Make a list of the benefits of stopping smoking. As an example: How lovely to not smell like a filthy ashtray; to be released from smoker's cough; to be able to fully taste your food again; to feel wholesome all over etc.

Be aware belonging to the triggers that automatically cause you to reach for the cigarette. For instance, is it when you turned into tired or bored with what you are doing? If so, perhaps switching to another task, taking a break, a drink of water or walking into another room could help get you over that desire. Do you automatically feel like a cigarette when watching TV in the evening? Should this be the case take up a hobby that occupies your mind and your hands, along the lines of model making, tapestry etc.

Enlist the help of friends and family and get their support when doing this. Tell your friends and family that you are going to stop smoking. Ask them to help by not smoking near you. You might find that someone else would like to take this journey with you.

While you are stopping smoking it is wise to stay away from places where you are likely to be tempted to light up. Most smokers are used to having a cigarette when drinking socially. If this is you, then in the beginning it may be wise to decline those social drinking invitations, stay away from bars and leave that bottle of wine in your cupboard for the while longer. If you do go out, then stay in the non smoking area.

Pause for the moment and calculate how much you've been spending on cigarettes and how much you would save from a year by becoming a non-smoker. Imagine yourself with a pile of money in front of you and you have to set fire to it. Would you do this in reality? No? Then why do it by smoking cigarettes? Isn't it much improved to pocket that money and spend it on something you really do appreciate?

Some men and women find that using affirmations help, especially at the beginning. Little phrases along the lines of: 'I respect my body and myself', or 'With each breath of fresh, clean air I am becoming more and more healthy' can help the subconscious get the message. Use what you find is helpful.

Be kind to yourself. Should you slip and have a cigarette, then do not despair; there's really nothing to be gained by beating yourself up about it. Resolve to do much better tomorrow.

There is an arsenal of products now on the market which could help you stop smoking. These include nicotine impregnated chewing gum, skin patches, inhalators and tablets which your doctor can prescribe, but I, personally, am not a fan of any of these things.

Though helpful for many, the problem with these aids is that they maintain a dependence on nicotine. Left to its very own devices, nicotine will leave the body within 48 hours of stopping to smoke, anyway. Once this is achieved, the difficulties are primarily psychological, stemming from the subconscious.

Unquestionably, the most effective aid to stop smoking is hypnotherapy, since hypnosis deals directly with the subconscious.

With effective and correctly applied hypnotherapy, tens of many folks have been helped to permanently and painlessly end their cigarette addiction.

In fact, the esteemed British magazine New Scientist (vol 136 issue 1845) reported the largest ever scientific comparison of means of stopping smoking. Of all belonging to the many methods analyzed the survey found hypnotherapy to be the most effective, getting five times more effective than will power alone, and three times more effective than nicotine gum... According to New Scientist: "Most techniques turned out to be hopeless. Hypnosis, however, came out as the most effective anti-smoking technique"

If you are serious about becoming a non-smoker then you really can do it. Know that you can stop smoking.

The habit is not your master. You are master of you.

Quit smoking for good - Time for New Year's Resolutions

Time for New Year's Resolutions again. Why not get the job done this time? Quit smoking for good. It's outdated, unappealing, and most importantly, unhealthy in so many techniques. There are lots of approaches to quit smoking, for example the nicotine patch, Chantix, or nicotine gum. But Chantix, for example, comes with a 44% success rate after 9-12 weeks, plus the warning of dangerous side effects like allergic reactions, insomnia, hallucinations, black outs, agitation, depression and suicidal thoughts. Who wants to take a chance on that? I'd like to advise a much better approach to turn into a permanent non-smoker.

Many men and women have previously found out the efficacy of hypnotherapy for kicking the habit. Hypnosis uncovers the motives why persons smoke, and unhealthy habits and unproductive thoughts are replaced with positive and supporting new behaviors. The progression is comfortable, relaxing, and enlightening. It functions with your body's very own innate wisdom for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Hypnosis is usually a organic, yet altered state of consciousness that we go in and out of all day extended. Hypnotherapy accesses your deeper mind to uncover the way to stop smoking for the lifetime.

Human beings have a conscious plus a sub-conscious mind. The subconscious is our survival mind, and it seeks to protect and serve us. For most smokers, the choice was built a extended time ago that somehow smoking was an excellent thing. Relaxing, distracting, the cigarette is a friend that's generally there. Might be it's time to delete that old programming, and update your mind with what's true for you today. You do know the way to calm yourself from a balanced way, handle strain, and take care of yourself in a improved way. You could have everything you need inside your very own mind to be successful at quitting smoking, once and for all. Let living be many now. There's a whole new world on the other side of the smoky gray haze.